Danny McDonald is an Australian songwriter and recording artist.

Since the early 90’s he’s released, helped write, recorded and appeared on over 80 CD, vinyl and digital releases.


New single ‘Tired town’ streaming now

Midsummer greetings from the Garden State. A new recording called ‘Tired town’ is finding its way out into the world today and you can listen to it in all the usual places including Spotify, Bandcamp and Apple Music. Go well friends and thanks for listening, as always.

Junior Bones Melbourne single launch

I’ve been hanging out and making music with my dear friend Pauly Inglis since the late 1990’s. When we first met, he was playing bass in a Melbourne group called Alcotomic and I was playing around in Jericho. Pauly has since played bass on a bunch of my solo records, swapping to guitar for my […]

First Melbourne show for 2023

I’ll be returning to Melbourne in a couple of weeks’ time to help old chums Little Murders celebrate the release of a new 7″ single, the vinyl reissue of their classic 1985 LP Stop! and the recently released Murders tribute record. Quite the occasion. Hope to see you there – Fri 4 Feb at the […]


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